Wednesday 5 February 2014


I was driving in my car today listening to my satellite radio play my favorite music at a deafening volume.   I grew up in a musical home and appreciate a variety of music but what I love most is gospel music that moves my soul and lifts my spirit.  Well that's the music my ears were soaking in today while my eyes absorbed the beauty of the mountains and sunshine around me.    Alone with the rich worship music, my heart drew close to God.  As I sang along with the songs the words became my heartfelt prayers.......I LOVE MUSIC!

What's not to love?  It is hard for me to imagine that there could possibly be someone who does not like any music.  Surely there is something out there for everybody.  And I would think that music has moved most of us somehow at sometime.  Whether it be the words of Rap music that personalize our feelings in a given moment or the extravagant sound of classical music such as 'Handel's Messiah' during the Christmas season.

Music has been with us from the beginning of time.  It has evolved into such a vast variety and the kind of music we each enjoy, whether classical, rock n' roll, country or rap, ultimately reflects who we are.  As we age and as music evolves, our tastes can change but the effect it has on us does not.

Our world would be very different if there was no music.  I can't even imagine it.  What would a wedding be without music?  Who doesn't love a live band in a bar on the weekend?  How would we properly celebrate Christmas without the familiar Christmas songs playing wherever we go?  Without music there would be no dance.  Well that's another unthinkable altogether.

So whatever music it is that you most enjoy.....Turn it up!  Soak it in!  And....

Give Thanks!

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