Thursday 30 January 2014



For anyone who thinks Canadians all live in igloos, travel by bobsled and when on foot, wear snow shoes --- really?!?  FYI:  Most Canadians live close to the border of the United States so they inevitably get very similar weather to their neighbors immediately across the border. 

I live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.  When I first tell foreigners this, many think they know exactly where I the city of Vancouver......Yuck - no not at all!  I don't like big cities but I will admit that Vancouver certainly is a beautiful one. 

I live on a very large island approximately 25 kilometers west of the city of Vancouver.  So, here the climate is similar to weather in Seattle year round.  Warm but not hot summers and mild rainy winters.  We prefer rain over snow because at least it does not require shoveling.

On the southwest coast of Canada in the province of British Columbia, snow is seldom seen except on high mountain ranges around us.  This means one of my favorite pastimes, hiking, can be an easy year round experience....even in January.  It is plenty warm enough and the hiking paths are not slippery.  I personally detest snow and the cold temperatures that accompany it; and when I did live in Canadian cities that do have snow, my love for hiking had to be a seasonal activity.

Recently we have had lots of glorious sunshine here on the Island and I have had the time to take my two best hiking buddies (my dogs) up some mountain paths for some breath taking views.  Lots of fresh air and gorgeous scenery to soak in while getting some needed exercise.  How many Canadians get to do that in January wearing only a jacket?  On a hike this past week I could clearly see Mount Baker in Washington with fog over the ocean between us but blue sky and sunshine above.

Yes, where I live, people golf all year (without the crocodiles from Florida), the grass never turns brown (except where my dogs pee on it) and ice skating is only an indoor activity.  This is the Canada I love! 

Most of Canada does have winter snow and many Canadians love it and enjoy the outdoors in the cold.  Not me though.  If snow is outside, I have to hibernate inside with a warm, cozy fire and a mug of hot chocolate while I wait for Spring to arrive.  Vacations to sunny beach destinations are always helpful during the waiting process too.

So today, I am grateful for the mild winters where I live, that allow me to enjoy the outdoors year round.

Give Thanks!

Sunday 26 January 2014


Meet Tessa, our newest addition.

When we met her for the first time, our hearts melted!  She is 3 1/2 pounds of cuddly softness with big, round, brown eyes and she has "cuteness" perfected!   She smothered us with kisses so we could not help but take her home.  Yes, my husband and I are both utterly hopeless softies when it comes to puppies.

She is a Schnauzer and Maltese Cross but looks more like a Havanese.  We have had her for 6 days now and have relished every moment.  She has been a quick learner in puppy training because she loves to please (and loves her treats).  When she is called, she comes bouncing with a big smile on her sweet little face.  And when walking on her leash, she trots right beside us with lots of spunk and personality.

Fortunately she refuses to make a mess in her crate so instead she sings until we put her outside for a pee.  Last night she slept through the whole night for the first time.  She entertains us as she transports each of her toys individually from one room of the house to another.

Like any puppy she has her faults though.  She is a perpetual chewer.  And although we have given her a dozen or more toys to chew, she still finds something else more interesting, to our displeasure.

But this is part of the puppy training we expect when we bring a new little one into our home.  Unfortunately, too many people fall in love with the cuteness of a new puppy but have no idea what is required in the training. 

Puppies need a great deal of supervision or our houses will have endless pee and poop to clean up and many items damaged by chewing.  If the training does not start early with consistency, before long the cute little puppy is no longer cute so he or she ends up in the local animal shelter.

If new owners do not know anything about puppy training, there is plenty of help available on the internet and they should learn the basics before they bring home a puppy.  For extra training lots of dog training classes are available in our communities through various certified trainers.

Resist the puppy cuteness unless you are prepared for the puppy training!

The thrill of a new puppy in our house is a happy occasion worthy of giving thanks!  What are you thankful for today?

Give Thanks!

Monday 20 January 2014


We live in a society that is very self focused.  
But deep down many of us would like to make a difference in the world. 

Let me introduce you to some amazing people who give up a great deal simply to help others.  They are a group of people who some would perhaps label as weird or unconventional.  But really they are just people who care more about others then themselves.  A kind of people we should all aspire to be.

These people are missionaries.  They leave their country, family and friends to go to a foreign land with a foreign language and culture to serve others.  All the conveniences and luxuries of home are left behind because they want to make a difference in the world.

They want to share with others what they treasure most in their hearts and that is the love of Jesus.  They want others to know the peace, joy, love and hope that only He can give.  And they demonstrate His love through their service of caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, teaching life skills, building homes and more.

So forget about the stereotype of a missionary that views them all as uptight, over-zealous, Bible thumping eccentrics.   They are not trying to brainwash the vulnerable in developing countries.  They are not intruding in countries where they are not wanted.  The people they serve are full of gratitude for all that they do.  And many accept their message of God's love because they see it exemplified in the messenger!

Missionaries are genuine Christians who care about orphans and women trapped in the sex trafficking market and the mentally challenged that in some countries are treated as outcasts.  Missionaries are people willing to travel to dangerous countries, witness heart wrenching tragedies and work in very challenging conditions.  Many are volunteers or they raise their own financial support.  All because they believe they are called to serve their God.  And as they serve they feel blessed in return by the experience and by the people they are serving.

So if you are prone like some to look on missionaries in judgement or "roll your eyes" when you hear of them, perhaps you should re-evaluate your conclusions.  Get to know the heart of a Christian missionary before you pass judgment and proliferate the unjust stereotype.

Today I thank God for the many missionaries around the world.

Give Thanks!

Thursday 16 January 2014


It felt like Spring was just around the corner yesterday here in West Coast British Columbia.   I was driving my sports car, wearing my sunglasses and not needing a jacket, so life was good!  

But it is still January, the month when I pretend to have some discipline and self control to lose a few of those extra pounds put on by my enormous love for the mouth watering flavors of food.  After all, before long it will be Summer when fewer clothes are required, so hiding bulges is much more challenging.

So, it is time to consume less calories and burn more calories, or simply put - diet - one of the many nasty four letter words in our English vocabulary.

I like Jim Rohn's quote on discipline that to me defines dieting perfectly:

          "We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret." 

I am not sure what you may need self-discipline for these days but I have compiled some famous quotes to encourage all of us who are trying to develop the skill of discipline.

  •   An Irish Proverb says,  "There is no luck, except where there is discipline."
  •   "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." (Aristotle)
  •  "In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves... self-discipline with all of them came first." (Harry S. Truman)

  •  “Discipline - Success doesn't just happen. You have to be intentional about it, and that takes discipline.” (John Maxwell)
  •  "Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself." (Abraham Joshua Heschel)
  • "At the time, discipline isn't much fun.  It always feels like it's going against the grain.  Later, of course, it pays off handsomely." (Bible: Hebrews 12:11 The Message)                  
  • "The first and the best victory is to conquer self." (Plato)
I am thankful that discipline is attainable with determination and perseverance so I will succeed in losing weight this month!

Give Thanks!

Saturday 11 January 2014


We have all seen the commercials of the starving children in Africa.  And many of us remember hearing our mothers tell us about the starving children in Africa to convince us to eat our vegetables when we were young.

Saying grace before each meal is a regular practice for a diminishing number of people in our society.  Statistics indicate that only 44% of Americans say grace and 46% never say it at all.

There are mixed feelings about saying grace.

Some would argue that if you say grace too often, it becomes meaningless.  I would argue that not saying it at all is even more meaningless.

Others would say that there are times when it is OK to skip grace.  Like in a noisy restaurant with waitresses interrupting you or when in a hurry to get out the door in the morning.  I must admit that I sometimes fall into this category although I am not proud of it.

Some only say grace before dinner, rather then before each meal.  I confess that this is often the case for myself.  Sometimes my meal is so small I don't even sit to eat it. 

A smaller percentage say grace after finishing their meal, perhaps believing that they will have even more gratitude after their palates have tasted the food and their stomachs are full.  (Or maybe they just want to make sure the food is good before saying thanks.)

Some only say grace at special occasions such as Thanksgiving or Christmas.  Personally, I think we should all practice the Spirit of Thanksgiving and Christmas on a daily basis and not just save it for the holidays.

One thing that proves true time and time again is that those who have less, have more gratitude!

Why is that?  I believe that the more we have, the more self-sufficient we become leaving little room and humility in our hearts to be truly grateful for all the provisions from God that we enjoy.

I have seen the commercials about the starving children in Africa, I have heard many stories about the starving children in Africa and I have personally seen the skeletal frames with swollen bellies of children in Africa.  Why was I so blessed to be born in a country of such fortune?

Take my word for it, we should Say Grace!

Give Thanks!

Wednesday 8 January 2014



Gratitude always looks good.  It is ingratitude that is ugly and distasteful.

"There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed.  If it is unexpressed, it is plain, old-fashioned ingratitude."  (Robert Brault)

Psychologist, Researcher and Author, Dr. Robert Emmons is considered by many to be the world's leading authority on Gratitude.  Studies he has done indicate that practicing gratitude can increase our happiness level by 25%.   In his book he explains that there are 3 things that determine our happiness: circumstances, genetics and intentional activity.  Practicing gratitude is an intentional activity that will increase happiness.

Read his book, "Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier".   You can find it

Learning to live a life of gratitude means we are always conscious of our many blessings, no matter what negative circumstances may be present in our lives. To succeed at learning this 'attitude of gratitude', we must train ourselves to be more grateful.

There are exercises we can do to achieve this.  One is to imagine losing some of the things you take for granted, such as your freedom, your home, your ability to see or walk, your finances etc.  Then imagine that you regained each one of them back.  Ponder how grateful you would be to have them again.

Another thing some people do, is keep a gratitude journal where they record 3 to 10 things they are grateful for every day.  In Dr. Emmons studies, daily gratitude exercises resulted in higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy.  Furthermore, those practicing gratitude had less depression and stress, had more success in achieving their goals and were more likely to help others.

Another idea, is to wear a wristband that is a reminder to express gratitude throughout your day.  Whenever you glance at it, you stop for a moment and think of something you are grateful for.

Of course there is also the obvious, of making the habit of frequently thanking those around you.  This could be to the person who held the door open for you, to the friend who just called to say 'hi', or the person who did you a favor.

Dr. Emmons says that there are life-changing benefits from practicing gratitude!  

  • It puts situations into perspective.  If we see enough 'bad' around us, we realize how "good" things really are.
  • It helps us realize all that we have, which hopefully will result in us wanting less.
  • It strengthens all of our relationships.
  • It improves our health and strengthens our immune system.
  • It reduces stress and gives us the ability to recover quicker from difficult situations.
  • It makes us generally happier and healthier people.

It is not in our nature to have an 'attitude of gratitude'.  So we need to make a daily effort to practice it and find joy in the small things in life.  If we only get excited and grateful when it is Christmas, or time for a vacation, or at the birth of a child and other big events, then we are missing out.

So I am grateful today for the research of Dr. Emmons that teaches us about gratitude and the happiness it brings. 

Give Thanks!

Saturday 4 January 2014


It seems to be a particularly bad flu season this year. 

So many people are sick.  And some are not just a little sick but really sick.

I'm a nurse and at the hospital I am seeing middle aged people who don't smoke, end up on respiratory ventilators from the flu because without a machine they simply cannot breathe.  What is with that?  This is just not normal!

To make things more interesting, hospital policy now dictates that any staff and visitors who have not had a Flu Vaccine must wear a mask at all times while in the hospital.

To further annoy the situation, most patients who are admitted to the hospital with a respiratory illness are being put in Isolation even if they don't have the Flu.

So the result is a lot of unhappy patients, unhappy visitors and unhappy staff.  But at least none of these unhappy ones are on a ventilator fighting for their lives from "just the Flu".

Being sick sucks!  Nobody likes it.  But some people seem to know sickness far too well and far too often. 

Meanwhile, most of us have generally good health and typically take it for granted. 

I sometimes wish everyone could walk in a nurse's shoes for a day to see just how sick so many people really are.  Most of us have no idea of the daily physical suffering that many must endure from illnesses and injuries. 

We need to all understand what an amazing blessing our good health is and stop whining about our little insignificant ailments.

If you are healthy today, be grateful.

If you are generally healthy most of the time, take a moment to ponder what a beautiful and awesome gift that is. 

If you know someone who does not experience the good health you enjoy, seek to lighten their load and encourage them today.

Give Thanks!