Thursday 30 January 2014



For anyone who thinks Canadians all live in igloos, travel by bobsled and when on foot, wear snow shoes --- really?!?  FYI:  Most Canadians live close to the border of the United States so they inevitably get very similar weather to their neighbors immediately across the border. 

I live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.  When I first tell foreigners this, many think they know exactly where I the city of Vancouver......Yuck - no not at all!  I don't like big cities but I will admit that Vancouver certainly is a beautiful one. 

I live on a very large island approximately 25 kilometers west of the city of Vancouver.  So, here the climate is similar to weather in Seattle year round.  Warm but not hot summers and mild rainy winters.  We prefer rain over snow because at least it does not require shoveling.

On the southwest coast of Canada in the province of British Columbia, snow is seldom seen except on high mountain ranges around us.  This means one of my favorite pastimes, hiking, can be an easy year round experience....even in January.  It is plenty warm enough and the hiking paths are not slippery.  I personally detest snow and the cold temperatures that accompany it; and when I did live in Canadian cities that do have snow, my love for hiking had to be a seasonal activity.

Recently we have had lots of glorious sunshine here on the Island and I have had the time to take my two best hiking buddies (my dogs) up some mountain paths for some breath taking views.  Lots of fresh air and gorgeous scenery to soak in while getting some needed exercise.  How many Canadians get to do that in January wearing only a jacket?  On a hike this past week I could clearly see Mount Baker in Washington with fog over the ocean between us but blue sky and sunshine above.

Yes, where I live, people golf all year (without the crocodiles from Florida), the grass never turns brown (except where my dogs pee on it) and ice skating is only an indoor activity.  This is the Canada I love! 

Most of Canada does have winter snow and many Canadians love it and enjoy the outdoors in the cold.  Not me though.  If snow is outside, I have to hibernate inside with a warm, cozy fire and a mug of hot chocolate while I wait for Spring to arrive.  Vacations to sunny beach destinations are always helpful during the waiting process too.

So today, I am grateful for the mild winters where I live, that allow me to enjoy the outdoors year round.

Give Thanks!

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