Sunday 16 March 2014


Sleeping In......What could be sweeter then staying in bed on a morning when it is wet and cold outside?

Having nothing to get out of bed for, the luxury of catching some extra sleep and keeping warm a little longer on a weekend morning is sublime.

However, for many of us something usually gets us out of bed sooner then we would like.  Employment is an obvious one but what about the other 'alarm clocks' that can sometimes be seven days a week and 52 weeks a year?  Like children or puppies or snoring spouses?  Then there is the seasonal stuff like the city snow plow or the lawnmower next door.  Or how about the good old garbage truck or telephone?  UGH!

There's nothing worse then finally getting a morning to sleep in and then someone, somehow spoils it for you!

Of course there are the truly blessed people who can sleep through anything and sleep in, any old time.  Oh how I envy them!  

Then there are people like me who have an internal clock that tells their body to wake up whenever the sun wakes up (or sooner) on just about every day of the year.

I confess that I fortunately do not need as much sleep as some people but I sure wish I could sleep in at least once a month and wake up feeling completely refreshed.

After all, our bodies need adequate sleep.  The description 'beauty rest' has some definite truth to it.  Adequate sleep does keep us looking and feeling younger and healthier.

Lots of studies have been done on sleep that indicate we concentrate better, have a better memory and a better mood if we get adequate sleep.   We also live longer, look better (because we don't look sleep deprived) and are healthier because of a stronger immune system.  Studies even show that chronic poor sleep increases our risk of cardiovascular disease.

So obviously we need to make adequate sleep a priority.  But this is easier said then done for some of us.  Even though there are lots of tips and advice out there, telling us how to improve our sleep such as  avoiding caffeine at night,  regular exercise, a healthy diet and keeping a regular sleep routine.  The fact still remains, when you can't sleep, you just can't sleep and nothing much is going to change that.  And I guess that's why some of us live healthier and longer lives then others.

But, nonetheless, I will keep trying to get that extra long sleep from time to time and when I do, I most certainly......

Give Thanks!

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