Tuesday 4 March 2014


Sometimes life does not make sense!

You think you have something figured out, a logical plan in place, a great idea to pursue and then it all falls apart.  So you reevaluate the situation and maybe make some changes but it still falls apart.

Then you start asking yourself if it was ever a good idea or plan to begin with.  Were you crazy to think of the idea in the first place?  Everything looked and seemed good.

Others would benefit from the plan and you would be happy to follow through with the plan.  So why couldn't the pieces all fit together so the plan could be fulfilled?  After all it wasn't outrageous or far fetched.

Second guessing is a natural outcome when circumstances in our lives don't turn out according to our well intentioned plans.  Disillusionment, confusion, frustration are all the typical emotions to follow.

So where do we go from nowhere?  Do we ditch the plan all together even though logic and even common sense dictates that the plan is not only a good one but perhaps even a crucial one for your situation.

Don't you wish life had a clearly marked road so that we could never get lost, feel lost and ultimately be lost by all the confusing signs and signals?

I like to be on the right road that is going to get me to the destination that is best for my well being and those who travel with me.  But that road gets very blurry sometimes.

There is nothing more frustrating to me then not knowing for sure that the paths I choose are the right paths - the paths God wants me to be on - the paths that, though not always rosy,  at least inevitably are the best for me and part of God's ultimate plan.

But how do we know for sure?  God does not always make it clear to us.

I fumble around in the dark even though I am walking in His light!

Until I get to heaven and can ask Him face to face, I will often be perplexed trying to understand what God's will is as I journey the confusing road before me.

There are those who believe 'pat answers' to the confusion are the truth.   But I believe 'pat answers' are part of the confusion.

I have concluded, once again, that I simply have to accept the perplexing situations and call this acceptance faith.   I have to hold on to the truths that God is good, God is sovereign and God is wise.

Hebrews 11:1 says that "Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see". (NIV)

Faith is a gift from God, as is the Hope I hold on to when life does not make sense.

When we are disillusioned, we must still.....

Give Thanks!

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