Friday 4 April 2014


Did you know that Mazatlan, Mexico is famous for their shrimp?

My husband is pictured above enjoying Coconut Shrimp on our first night here, at a restaurant across the street from our hotel.  It has been difficult to stop eating shrimp after that first bite.

And after spending only a few days here, I have concluded that all the shrimp I have ever eaten before eating shrimp in Mazatlan, was really not shrimp at all.  After all, how can it possibly compare?

The size of the shrimp alone is like nothing I have ever seen.  Then there is the incredible, fresh, juicy flavor.  Then there's the vast variety of ways that they prepare the shrimp here.  You can eat a different kind of shrimp every night of the week while in Mazatlan and never feel like you are eating the same thing.  You can even buy fresh shrimp on the beach every day and cook it up just the way you like it.

My favorite is the Coconut Shrimp.  It helps that I love coconut too.  Coconut shrimp seems to be on most menus here but served with different dipping sauces.   I have had Coconut Shrimp back home in Canada but it simply cannot match what Mazatlan has to offer.

Last night, I ate Shrimp at a famous restaurant in Mazatlan called Poncho's, located right on the beach.  (  I had Poncho's Special Shrimp which was bacon wrapped and tasted like it had just come off the grill.  I don't know what the secret marinade was but the flavor tantalized my taste buds.  It was mouth watering!

At Poncho 's we were serenaded by some local fine musicians while we watched the sun set over the ocean.  Then we took a leisurely stroll back to our hotel enjoying the fresh evening air.  It was truly a lovely evening in a wonderful country that I love.

Before this trip, shrimp in my mind was just OK.  Now, shrimp to me is a must if it tastes like shrimp in Mazatlan, Mexico.


Give Thanks!

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