Monday 20 January 2014


We live in a society that is very self focused.  
But deep down many of us would like to make a difference in the world. 

Let me introduce you to some amazing people who give up a great deal simply to help others.  They are a group of people who some would perhaps label as weird or unconventional.  But really they are just people who care more about others then themselves.  A kind of people we should all aspire to be.

These people are missionaries.  They leave their country, family and friends to go to a foreign land with a foreign language and culture to serve others.  All the conveniences and luxuries of home are left behind because they want to make a difference in the world.

They want to share with others what they treasure most in their hearts and that is the love of Jesus.  They want others to know the peace, joy, love and hope that only He can give.  And they demonstrate His love through their service of caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, teaching life skills, building homes and more.

So forget about the stereotype of a missionary that views them all as uptight, over-zealous, Bible thumping eccentrics.   They are not trying to brainwash the vulnerable in developing countries.  They are not intruding in countries where they are not wanted.  The people they serve are full of gratitude for all that they do.  And many accept their message of God's love because they see it exemplified in the messenger!

Missionaries are genuine Christians who care about orphans and women trapped in the sex trafficking market and the mentally challenged that in some countries are treated as outcasts.  Missionaries are people willing to travel to dangerous countries, witness heart wrenching tragedies and work in very challenging conditions.  Many are volunteers or they raise their own financial support.  All because they believe they are called to serve their God.  And as they serve they feel blessed in return by the experience and by the people they are serving.

So if you are prone like some to look on missionaries in judgement or "roll your eyes" when you hear of them, perhaps you should re-evaluate your conclusions.  Get to know the heart of a Christian missionary before you pass judgment and proliferate the unjust stereotype.

Today I thank God for the many missionaries around the world.

Give Thanks!

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