Saturday 4 January 2014


It seems to be a particularly bad flu season this year. 

So many people are sick.  And some are not just a little sick but really sick.

I'm a nurse and at the hospital I am seeing middle aged people who don't smoke, end up on respiratory ventilators from the flu because without a machine they simply cannot breathe.  What is with that?  This is just not normal!

To make things more interesting, hospital policy now dictates that any staff and visitors who have not had a Flu Vaccine must wear a mask at all times while in the hospital.

To further annoy the situation, most patients who are admitted to the hospital with a respiratory illness are being put in Isolation even if they don't have the Flu.

So the result is a lot of unhappy patients, unhappy visitors and unhappy staff.  But at least none of these unhappy ones are on a ventilator fighting for their lives from "just the Flu".

Being sick sucks!  Nobody likes it.  But some people seem to know sickness far too well and far too often. 

Meanwhile, most of us have generally good health and typically take it for granted. 

I sometimes wish everyone could walk in a nurse's shoes for a day to see just how sick so many people really are.  Most of us have no idea of the daily physical suffering that many must endure from illnesses and injuries. 

We need to all understand what an amazing blessing our good health is and stop whining about our little insignificant ailments.

If you are healthy today, be grateful.

If you are generally healthy most of the time, take a moment to ponder what a beautiful and awesome gift that is. 

If you know someone who does not experience the good health you enjoy, seek to lighten their load and encourage them today.

Give Thanks!

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